Every author gets around to doing the needful — creating a website to talk about their journey in writing. The first best time to create your blog was that time along ago when you did so much cool stuff you can barely remember. The second best time is right now, so here we are.
My intention is to capture the thoughts and process as I go through the journey of getting my first true effort to get published. It’s easy to start writing a book. It’s a monumental task to get one to the point of being published. The biggest part of the journey is understanding that everyone goes through the pain and suffering that you are experiencing. That first time you let someone read what you wrote, what you put all your heart into only to find out it really didn’t work. That darling set of sentences that you crafted until the wee hours of the morning that looked great in isolation, but failed to work together as a cohesive bit of storytelling. Here is your first great lesson. Start a file that has bits and pieces of things you cut out that you are proud of. Save them for the future as a box of random parts that might one day be the perfect piece you need to fix something else you are working on. Now they are not lost, but instead misfit children waiting for you to find them a new home.
Yesterday I pitched my book for the first time to two agents. It was actually a fantastic experience. One agent had interest, the other, my type of story wasn’t in her wheelhouse. That’s the thing with agents, they each have different passions so it is important to keep looking to find the one that is just as excited about you as you are them. Am I ready to publish? Probably not as I am deep into revision 3, but, this was more to start getting my feet wet in understanding what is in store for me when I do say “it’s done” which really should be followed by (for right now).
One thing I am going to try doing moving forward is keeping my blog posts focused on a single topic. Also, since I have decided to go back and read a lot of classic sci-fi, I will be making posts on those (and other books) that I am reading starting in 2025 only.