Book Review: The Moon is a Harsh Mistress


Having read Stranger in a Strange land and finding it to have gone off the rails near the end, I wanted to try what most people consider the best of Heinlein.  This is a solid book, with a few criticisms.  First, the beginning felt tacked on with how Manuel meets Wyoming.  I think it more has to do with Heinlein’s treatment of woman which always feels so dated to me.  Second is a lot of the book is passive and can go on for long periods of time.  Like the explanation of how all the cells are going to work.  I felt at times like I was listening to a story being told to a congress.  But, even with that said, the dialect and consistency in the characters I super enjoyed.  I found the poly family structure fascinating and most importantly,  Mike.  The computer is really the most intriguing part of the whole story.  The end was a punch to the gut in a way I didn’t expect.  Which, I don’t know, I think is pretty amazing that a character that is so pivotal to the success of the story, yet is just a computer, like, that made it for me and what I think cements this as a classic.


Some of my favorite phrases were dinkum thinkum, and of course TANSTAATFL or there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.  I might have to try out a few other titles after this one given this was a fun read.